The Sixth
chapter of the ICIC agreement includes the procedures of
signature and ratification as well as putting it into action.
These are :-
1. The ICIC agreement shall, following its adoption by the
thirteenth session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign
Ministers, be submitted for signature to all member states
(Article 13).
2. The ICIC agreement shall be subject to the ratification of
the member states. The instrument of ratification shall be
deposited with the Depositary which is the General Secretariat
of the Organization Islamic Conference–Jeddah (Article 20).
3. The ICIC agreement shall be effective as soon as the
instrument of ratification of one third of the member States of
the Organization of the Islamic Conference have been deposited
(Article 21).
4. The resolution No. 40/28 was issued by the 28th Islamic
Conference of Foreign Ministry held from 25 – 29 June 2001 in
Bamako – Mali to consider that the quorum for considering the
agreement active is the ratification of one third of the states
that approved the Agreement in 1982 where their number was 39