administration set out to fulfill the practical activities of
the following tasks:-
1. Humanitarian Assistance:-
The Secretariat of the Islamic Committee of the
International Crescent, since 1988 and till the end of 2007
A.D., set out to provide many of the institutions and
organizations in the countries of the Organization of Islamic
Conference and the Islamic communities in other countries with
humanitarian assistance whether in the cases of disasters or to
contribute in health, social and cultural programs in the form
of subsidies and materials in the limits of available financial
capabilities in which the committee managed to provide from the
surplus of the voluntary contributions allocated by the State of
Headquarter (Libya) , at the time when the Committee did not
receive in this period any contributions from the states parties
to the agreement of establishing the committee because of the
delay of ratification quorum needed for the entry into force of
the agreement. The subsidies were as follows:-
The number of the humanitarian assistance operations
accomplished are (55)operations.
The amount of backing is about ( 800,000) us dollar.
The number of states that were provided with these assistance
are(30) states in the continents of Africa, Asia and Europe.
2. Health Care Centers:- The Islamic committee of the International Crescent have
designed a typical Islamic program of health care for mothers
and children that concentrates on the following functions:-
Vaccinate children against infectious diseases.
Display health awareness among mothers and girls.
Providing children complementary nutrition.
This program was accomplished with the collaboration of the
International Islamic Call Association and Ministry of Health in
the Republic of Mali in Hamad Allah Region in 22/ 6 /188 and an
arrangement was signed to fulfill this program in Djibouti with
the collaboration of the Islamic Bank for development and the
Djiboutian Crescent Association.
Contribute in Establishing a medical clinic at the Islamic
University in Uganda and furnishing medicines.
Contribute In Establishing a medical clinic at the Islamic
University in Niger and furnishing medicines.
3. Communications and Conferences:- The Secretariat of the Islamic Committee of the
international Crescent continues to have contacts with OIC
member and OIC general secretariat for consultation and
coordination concerning the issues related to the work of the
Committee and to obtain more ratifications of the ICIC
Foundation Agreement. 3-1- Delegations of the Islamic Committee of the
International Crescent met some presidents of the member states
of the Organization of the Islamic Conference:-
- Meeting President of the Union of Comoros.
- Meeting President of the Republic of Maldives.
- Meeting President of the Republic of Niger.
- Meeting president of the Republic of Senegal.
- Meeting president of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.
- Meeting President of Burkina Faso
- Meeting vice president of the Gambia. 3-2- Delegations of the Islamic Committee of the
International Crescent met many of the officials and ministers
and Islamic figures, namely:
- The president of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Guinea.
- Foreign Ministers of Libya, Yemen, Qatar, Senegal, Niger,
Mali, Uganda, Guinea, Comoros, Maldives, Sudan, Morocco, Jordon
and Indonesia.
- Ministers of Health, Social Affairs, Education, Justice and
Endowment in Tunisia, Guinea, Maldives, Mauritania, Niger,
Comoros Union, Mozambique and Burkina Faso.
- The spouse of the President of Guinea head of Fondis
Association of Social Work.
- Mrs. Viviang Wade, wife of the ex president of Republic of
Senegal, president of the Senegal's Health and Education
Association. 3-3- The chairman of the Islamic Committee of the
International Crescent attends the conferences and the legal
meetings of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in order
to view the reports of its activities and contacts with member
states. 3-4- The Secretariat of the Committee makes continuous
contacts with the national and international organizations that
are concerned in the humanitarian work and collaborates with the
national societies of the Red Crescent and Red Cross in the OIC
member states. 3-5- The Committee continues its communication with the
Institutions and the Islamic organizations that belong to or
emerged from organization of the Islamic Conference such as the
Islamic Solidarity Fund and the Islamic Bank for Development in
order to cooperate to fulfill the activities related to relief
and programs of health and social care.
4- Consultation meeting of the ICIC and Red Crescent/ Red Cross
Societies in OIC Member States:- The First consultation meeting of the Red Crescent and Red
Cross Associations of the States of the Islamic Conference
Organization is held in the headquarters of the General
Secretariat of the Organization in the city of Jeddah from 21
22 / 4 / 2001 A.D. .The Following issues were discussed:-
- The situation in Palestine and the humanitarian assistances to
the Palestinian People.
- The issue of the third additional signal of Geneva Convention.
- Collaboration between the National Associations of Red
Crescent and Red Cross in the fields of the humanitarian work.
a. Collaboration in the field of the humanitarian work.
b. Work to root consideration and consolidation of implementing
the provisions of the Humane International Law.
- Adhesion to the Agreement of The Foundation of the Islamic
Committee of the International Crescent.
The second consultation meeting was held in Istanbul in June
2008with the help and cooperation of the Turkish Red Crescent
Society and adopted Istanbul declaration on the ICIC.
The third consultation meeting has been held in Tunis on 2-4 may
2013 and adopted Tunis declaration on cooperation and
partnership in the fields of humanitarian actions.
5- Humanitarian Initiatives:-
The ICIC deals
with matters related to the International Islamic relations, and
other humanitarian matters, that become of great concern to the
international community, in order to promote awareness and
compliance of such matters.
In this respect the ICIC focused on the following humanitarian
Rules of the treatment of war prisoners.
Study of the means and ways to provide care and protection to
refugees and displaced people.
The partnership in the implementation of humanitarian
assistance projects.
Psychological care of the victims of disaster.
Study of the situation of the Muslim minorities in the world.
Follow up of the anti personal land mines problem.
Protection of child in the Islamic world.
6- Establishing the Islamic Forum of IHL:- The ICIC secretariat has established this organ in view to
contribute to disseminate the international humanitarian law (IHL)
and the Islamic rules and traditions in this field and to make
known the great contribution of the Islamic Ummah. The Forum
held seminars and workshops on the IHL in Sana`a, Maldives,
Djibuti Comoros, Niamey, Dakar, Nouakchott, Khartoum and
Kampala. It published two editions of the annual of experts on
IHL in the Islamic world. It published also the review Al-wasiya
on the IHL.
7- ICIC regional office in Ankara,
8- Program of Guiding and Directing Pilgrims:- In the frame of cooperation with the national organizations
of Red Crescent and Red Cross in the OIC Member States of, the
Islamic Committee of the International Crescent and the Saudi
Arabian Red Crescent Society have adopted a project of issuing a
unified guidebook of directive for pilgrims safety. The idea of
this guidebook was approved during the nineteenth session of the
Committee held from 9 1o / 12 / 2003 in the city of Dakar
Republic of Senegal that established a working group to prepare
a draft of the proposed guidebook. The 22nd ICIC meeting held in
Nouakchott on 23-24/1/2007 adopted the final version of the
guidebook and the Saudi Red Crescent is in charge of its
translation to English and French.